Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How many times can I say I was hot?

So it's a while since I blogged, and life has progressed as it seems want to do. for the first time in months, I saw my friend Naomi. It was really nice seeing her again -- we went to the bookstore and ran a few errands before hanging out at home for a bit. I showed her some of the wedding stuff I'm working on ( i.e. physical manifestations of every possible frustration). We made plans to hang out again soon, and I look forward to it very much.

Today, I got together with my future sister-in-law Nadine. We went to the zoo. Today. I wore jeans. Today. Yes I keep repeating the word today -- it was freaking hot! What was it, 95° or so? For those of you know me, I do not do well in the heat. I only have two pairs of pants that fit me -- they are jeans. Needless to say, I was warm. In fact, when I saw myself in the mirror when we went to lunch, I much resembled the ((((((I was going to make a Ted Kennedy joke here....but maybe I'll forgo))))))

Anyway, time with Nadine is always enjoyed. I wish I'd taken pictures...bummer.

Onto the big one...I'm trying to plan our wedding. Tim and mine; I'm not marrying you...unless you is Tim, and then....okay. I've got most of the things I need to make the invitations, I put a deposit on the hall, I called a potential caterer, I emailed a potential pastor at the potential church and....I can't think of anything else with potential at the moment.

On the bright side, this happened the other night-listen carefully-it really sounds as if she's saying bye-bye....and Tim's face when she does is PRICELESS!

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