Tuesday, June 14, 2011

That's right my darling husband. I'm calling you out....ONLINE!!!!!!

So yesterday evening I prepare a plate of pasta for August and Tim puts her in her chair with her food. I (from the kitchen) notice she has no drink so I mention it. Tim grabs her one of her water straw cups and I look at it.

me: Tim, is that straw connected ?
tim: Yeah
me: you didn't even look at it.
tim: Yes I did! it's fine!
me: Just double check it please. it's supposed to be vertical but it looks angled.
tim: (puts it up to eye level) It's fine.
me: okay.

The rest of the night passes, we all sleep. This morning I put her in her high chair with a waffle and the water is still there so I just let it be. I sit down for a minute and she starts calling for me "help, momma! Help, momma!" I go over and look at the cup she's holding out to me.

YES, INDEED THE STRAW IS ANGLED. IN FACT, IT HAD BECOME DISCONNECTED! She hadn't had anything to drink (besides breast milk at night and in the morning) in like, 16 hours!!!!!!

Yes, you read that correctly. I STILL breastfeed her.

AT 19 MONTHS!?!?!?!?


I'm so surprised about how many people are grossed out about this. She's only 19 months. The average weaning age around the world is 4 1/2 years. Rest assured, I'm not going to be breast feeding a nine year old. I'll definitely be done by three, probably by two.

Or maybe I'll breastfeed her until she's eighty. Get off my back. I don't do it in public, I always cover up...stop making those disgusted faces....DANG!!!!

end rant.

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